Behaviour Assessment

Behaviour Assessment

We allocate two hours for our in home behaviour assessments. These assessments are designed to be the starting point for addressing any complex or undesired behaviour your dog is exhibiting. We have years of experience in tackling excessive barking, digging, pulling and lunging on the lead, destructive behaviours, separation anxiety, reactivity to other dogs and more. In order to deal with these behaviours we need to fully understand the cause.

The aim of the behaviour assessment is to gain a complete understanding of the particular behaviour. We must also get an insight into your individual circumstances as an owner. We start by having an in-depth discussion about your dog, then move on to address any issues in and outside of the home. We usually accompany you on a walk to assess the dog’s behaviour, and your handling, outside of the home. Having gathered all the necessary information we begin working with you to establish a personalised rehabilitation plan. It may be, that with professional direction, you can implement the changes needed at home on your own; or in some cases further training might recommended to achieve the desired results. Whatever the problem, we will work tirelessly to find the solution. Our friendly behaviour assessment is obligation and judgment free. If you think this might be the right starting point for you please do not hesitate to contact us for a chat.

2 hours from $350